Danielle’s Postpartum.

Danielle’s Postpartum.

During my first pregnancy my preparation involved a real focus on ‘things’; what kind of pram I’d buy, how the nursery would look and which cloth nappies my baby would wear.

Armed with the insight of what was to come the second time around, I decided to prepare for baby number 2 with what truly mattered. Good food, warmth, emotional support and physical health. This involved lots of skin on skin, a fridge and freezer full of nutritious food, emotional support including space to process the birth, finding a few minutes each day for yoga and pelvic floor exercises, leaning on my village of people, and recruiting the support of my wonderful Doula, Lou who helped bring it all together.

The unwavering support for Mum’s during the life changing time of matrescence is a game changer.

Photography by Doula Lou.

I’ve been lucky enough to be able to breastfeed, and don’t take this for granted for a second. I won’t sugarcoat the difficulties I’ve faced because it helped shape the experiences I’ve had with each of my babies. 

Breastfeeding can be brutal. It can be painful, uncomfortable or just plain stressful. It can be an enormous hurdle to overcome, with many different challenges along the way. It can bring feelings of guilt, fear or insecurity. It’s learning a new skill on minimal sleep and low functioning, with a co pilot that has equally no idea. And it’s sharing your body and self all day every day for as long as you can muster. 

BUT breastfeeding can also give you the deepest love you’ve experienced. The overwhelming feeling watching your baby literally crawl up your chest to find the nipple minutes after being born. Those quiet moments with just you and your babe. The special bond. Comforter. Pacifier. Healer. Some of the most special and unique moments of your life. It amazes me that we can not only create our child’s first home, but then produce the food to sustain them. Seriously mind blowing.

Happy international breastfeeding week 1-7th August 2021!

Doula Lou – Albury Wodonga.